
common hydraulic cylinder piston rod problems

Nature of issue

Before we start talking about Hydraulic Cylinder Piston Rod Problems The most important thing is to be aware of the most frequent issues and how to fix them because no piece of equipment lasts forever and hydraulic cylinders are no exception. Some issues can be resolved quickly, while others may require extensive diagnostic testing.

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but not every problem needs extensive diagnostic testing  It would help if you never underestimate the importance of your cylinder rod. The rod is not just the object transmitting the force from the cylinder’s piston but also the interface between that cylinder and your machine.

Before you can correctly select and then design the piston rod, you must understand the potential areas of failure. so we are going to talk about the most common hydraulic cylinder piston rod problems which are frequently seen in hydraulic piston rods most of these issues are due to poor maintenance and incompatible fluids. It’s always recommended to detect  the problem at the earliest to prevent further damage

There are various hydraulic cylinder piston rod problems so we are going to talk about few most commonly seen hydraulic cylinder piston rod problems

5 common cylinder piston rod problems in hydraulic cylinder

  • The rod is improperly sized for the application: This problem occurs at the design stage, so be sure you accurately calculate retraction force with an understanding of differential cylinders. The rod takes up the area on the piston, reducing the cylinder’s force in retraction, causing the cylinder to retract with less force than it extends.
  • Corrosion of the rod thread: When you machine off the entire crust of the rod thread, you no longer have chrome. Because chrome protects from corrosion, the rod thread is now left to the elements. If your cylinder operates in humid environments or around harmful chemicals, corrosion or rust may weaken the rod end over time. Choose the appropriate alloy for your application.
  • Rod scratches leading to seal damage. Rod scratches rarely affect the strength of the cylinder, especially if they’re minor. However, dents and scratches in the rod rub against the rod wiper and seal, damaging it over time. Using only rod material made from induction-hardened steel will prevent dings on the surface.
  • Chemical attack: Some incompatible fluids will react with cylinder and seal materials chemically resulting in failure caused by corrosion and other wear. This issue can be prevented by choosing compatible hydraulic fluid for use.
  • High/Low Level Leakage: there is a possibility of leakage due to  incompatible cylinder when reacted with fluids which inturn leads to corossion and other wear and it can be fixed using proper fluids.

Although industrial hydraulic cylinders rarely run into objects or other machinery, mobile machinery is susceptible to such accidental damage.


there are various reason for a hydraulic piston rod to Cause problem varying from pressure to temperature and these hydraulic cylinder issues can be prevented doing regular checks and all to ensure safety and  overall system is working safely and effectively.

Our experts at our hydraulics company in India will guide you better on these issues. Even the massive rods used on excavators are no match for the power of which the boom, arm, and bucket cylinders are capable. Get In touch with us

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